The Her VOICE Program is VOICE’s flagship program. The thirty-day intervention consists of three 10-day camps that are conducted for girls of classes 8 and 9. These camps – Parichay, Disha, and Sakhi – are fun, exciting, safe, and inclusive spaces where girls learn about their bodies, safety, rights, and future planning. The program also has a spoken English element – Speak Up!
Her VOICE Programs

Her VOICE Parichay

Her VOICE Disha

Her VOICE Sakhi
At Her VOICE Parichay Camp – the first module of the Her VOICE Program – girls learn about puberty,
menstrual health, basic rights, and safety from violence. Girls are also encouraged to introspect standards of strength, beauty, and gender as dictated by culture and society. They think about simple ways to overcome challenges and resolve conflicts as well. The 10-day activity-based camp is packed with fun-filled energizers and activities; girls leave the camp feeling more confident about themselves, their bodies, and the future that awaits them.
Disha Camp – the second module of Her VOICE Program – deals with topics such as education, future planning, gender and sexuality, consequences of early marriage and pregnancy, nutrition, mental health, and sexual and reproductive health over 10 days. During this camp, girls start to learn various skills pertaining to negotiation, planning, and also are introduced to the idea of girls and women as leaders in their communities.
Girls who have attended both Parichay and Disha camps come to Sakhi Camp to learn how to become peer leaders, educators, and mentors. Here, they are trained on leadership skills and enabled so they can teach younger girls in their schools about topics such as safe and unsafe touch, importance of education, support system, and basic health and well-being. By the end of Sakhi, the adolescents are well-equipped to reach out into their communities and create a ripple of change!
Speak Up
Speak Up sessions are conducted as the afternoon sessions of Her VOICE Parichay and Her VOICE Disha where the adolescent girls learn basic English speaking skills which will in turn help them to acquire knowledge and information.