Boys 4 Change
After hearing many stories of bravery and resilience, VOICE realised that it was not enough to work with girls in isolation. Following this revelation, VOICE conceptualized a programme that works intensively with adolescent boys. These educational camps are conducted on a biannual basis. The Boys 4 Change programme is split into two phases – Fireflies and Supernova. VOICE envisions that, with this programme, boys will work to be gender ambassadors who help build a gender-equal society.

At their first camp, the adolescent boys learn about mental health, puberty, menstruation, violence, and fundamental rights. Fireflies camp trains the adolescents to resist social conditioning with reason and logic. By focusing on perspective building, the Fireflies camp enables the adolescents to think beyond the box.

The second module of the Boys 4 Change Program builds on the campers’ existing knowledge by delving further into topics such as rights and responsibilities, gender and sexuality, mental health, and sexual and reproductive health over 10 days. The Supernova camp aims to build gender ambassadors working to create a gender-equal world.